Monday, May 4, 2009

My friends are toxic. How do I find new ones at my age?

Anytime I want to go somewhere with my friends I have to pay the way for them. They have tons of drama in their lives and it's all they ever talk about, unless, they are telling me how to live my life. It's so hypocritical and I'm sick of it. How do I find new friends when I'm in my 30's?

My friends are toxic. How do I find new ones at my age?
Move, it's like you can start over.
Reply:Church,Take a hobby class,go to a night club,fitness group,singles groups, etc.
Reply:Wow,good luck with that.But it definitely sounds like you need new ones,you are being used by them it seems.My advice is to try going to a place by yourself once and see what happens,you just might meet a friend or even boy or girlfriend.

Also,there is always sites online to try.
Reply:How about when they ask you to pay you say nope sorry.

Or when they piss and moan tell them you don't want to here about it, you have enough problems of your owm.

baby teeth losing

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