Friday, November 13, 2009

Would you turn your friends to the Authorities if you find out they're illegals?

I'm not talking about regular friends , I mean Real family friends, I just find out that 2 of my best friends are not legal. Sincerely I don't care. I also find out that they are using false documents to work. I know they are good people, they usually send money to their countries to help their families. So How can you handle this situation. I just can report them. Can you feel me.!

Would you turn your friends to the Authorities if you find out they're illegals?
I'm loyal to my family and friends more than the country, reporting them would be something I would never do.

They committed a felony, and you are as well unless you report them!! Are they worth going to jail for?? Read the links that Pro USA gave!!!! They are for real!!
Reply:Yes I would, I know that my friends are not illegals
Reply:Yup and have!

When my family needed help from social services we were denied.

Being a family of veterans who have both served this country and my husband is disabled due to this war and Social Services informaed us that we made too much money so we were denied ANY help!!! WE LIVE OFF HIS VA BENEFITS!!!! Anybody who knows how VA benefits are knows its not alot of money to live off of.

Then I watch my husband's friend and wife, they are both illegal walk in with fake documents and get welfare!!!! WTF is that sh*t!!!!

I reported them and i don't feel bad at all. Because of moochers like them sucking the system dry my husband and I both cannot get help when we needed it. Other than the VA we have no other health insurance. So if we get sick we are basically f**ed.

What is wrong with that!!!!
Reply:think about the friendship side..

instead, help them get legal papers.
Reply:Excellent links ProUSA!!!!!

He is indeed committing a felony by not reporting this criminal activity by his "friends".

I see someone gave your proof a thumbs down, guess they disliked being proven wrong!!!
Reply:Most people would NOT be in their situation, since MOST people follow immigration laws.And MOST people do not commit felonies, therefore MOST people would not be in their shoes in the first place...

And I agree, they are NOT "good people", and neither are you if you support their criminal activity by not reporting it.

And I notice those agreeing with you are TOTALLY ignoring their identity theft...I suppose that's okay with you all huh...especially crabby....Call it what you want, they STILL broke our immigration LAWS,and are subject to deportation and COMMITTED A FELONY TO BOOT, ...and that's the bottom line. You can try to rephrase it all you want, it changes nothing.
Reply:I would turn them in. It is a Federal crime if you don't because you have knowledge that they are illegal.

You could suggest they go back to their country and do things the right and legal way. I know it's hard, but by keeping silent you are also committing a crime.
Reply:I agree troll slayer. I won't even respond to the question! With his mentality, he sounds like a 15 year old kid!!!!
Reply:If you know of crime and you do not report it, you ARE committing a crime. It's called "aiding and abetting". Look it up. You are committing a felony as well.

HEY I GOT A REAL GOOD ONE FOR YOU. This guy is a millionaire that was arrested for 4 felony charges of transporting and harboring illegal aliens (his wife and 3 daughters).
Reply:So you would break the law i guess also,then your no better!!! What`s the matter...FBI got you sweating?
Reply:Don't report then they did not commit any sins in god's eyes. Don't join the racist side. It is none of your choice fault of anything.
Reply:Calling you stupid would be an insult to stupid people.
Reply:Hope that they never happen to have a car accident with you and there is bodily injury.They receive FREE hospital care and all on you and me.There are also 2 million criminals here in the US and when they commit a crime they just vanish and take a new name ,like your friends.They don't buy car insurance,health ins ,pay taxes or any other normal thing that you and I do.But they do send money home to by land and housing to rent out.Don't be fooled.Ask them to become legal through the normal channels.Give me their names and I'll turn them in with no regrets.They also believe that all Amerian femals are SLUTS.Funny they also all seem to smoke pot.
Reply:please don't have them deported! they are your friends! i think a lot of people don't know that just because they are illegal it doesn't necessarily mean that they stole someones identity, most of the time they just make a number up so they can get a bank account and a driver license. the times that they do use a real social security number is because someone sold them that number, as in a united states citizen "sold" them their number to gain profit. then they use that social security number to get a good job and so forth.
Reply:no don't turn them in try to help them gain their citizenship
Reply:I am sure the fact that they are good family friends that explains why you wouldn't turn them in for their felonious criminal activity....but as a patriotic citizen it's your duty to report ciminal activity, and if you don't, you are just as guilty as they are...

Why don't you rephrase the question and just ask would you turn you friends in to the authorities if you knew they broke were felon criminals....PERIOD.

BTW, "Good people" obey the law. "Good people" don't commit identity theft (A FELONY).

I don't "feel you", and I doubt that MOST people can "feel you".
Reply:I would beat them first, then turn them in.

I know of a russian who set up a sham marriage 2 weeks before his visa to visit his sister was up.

he will leave the area if i'm around cause he knows i'll knock his teeth out.

There are 6 billion people on earth, a good portion of them would like to come here.. you libs want 6 billion people here?

And what of those that PATIENTLY wait in line ?

you are crapping on the law abiding, you are as bad as the illegals.
Reply:How can you say that they are good people when they have stole some ones ID. and are breaking the law.REPORT and DEPORT
Reply:Despite what Crabby B says, it is a criminal offense to be here without documentation from another country. That is why they call it ILLEGAL immigration. If they didn't, they'd call it Civil Offence Immigration.

Secondly, I would, for them to be here and break the law as long as they have, they've been lying to you for so long. How good of friends could they really be?

I'd feel violated and betrayed.

I'd turn them in and I'd feel proud to do it. Send them back and tell them to return legally.
Reply:ull be the worst friend ever since the dudes just here and not doing anything bad, unles hes like at any gangs or is a drug addict or something like dat, america was build by imigrants, we are all desendents and ull be a real s... if u did

(im a third generation, spaniard/russian/italian)
Reply:Yea i feel u.I found out recently that one of my best friends is an illegal. I thought nothing of it cuz i dont care about that. She is one of my good friends and i would never ever in my life deport her. she is like my FAMILY and i would rather die first than betray myFAMILY's trust. Im half mexican my mom is from mexico and my dad is from america and the most important thing in mexican culture is family. Thats the one thing that i knew since i was little that the most important thing in ur life is ur family. so i could never turn them in if i had more friends that were illegals. they are too important to lose.

Here's why: First--contrary to the propaganda of the right-wing, being in this country is NOT a criminal offense--it is a civil violation--like a prking ticket (granted, a bit more serious). Second--regardless o f one's politics, the fact is that we have a massive policy failure in Washington--there is no procedure for resolving your friends' status.

Now--do you want to hurt your friends-possiblly ruin their lives--over what amounts to a glorified parking ticket that wouldn't even be a problem if the politicians were doing their job?
Reply:If they were doing real crimes and you new it was wrong then ya. How do you fill about all this Illegal stuff that's going on? It really depends on what you think and fill, not what others on here say, because 95% of them will tell you to nag on them, becuase they are races and so forth. Good Luck and if it was my family and new they are just trying their best to live, I would say no let them stay, but help them with their papers to become legal!

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