Monday, November 16, 2009

How can i find friends again?

it's about 2 month that i miss all of my friends and i think i can never met them again, today was my birthday and i had no one to tell me Happy Birthday, i don't think that i can find friends again, what should i do?

How can i find friends again?
Love you. Be your own friend. Smile and be happy no matter what your circumstance. Stat up beat. People are attracted to happy people. This is how you will make friends. Stay positive. Have fun. Laugh. Make people smile. They will be drawn to you like a magnet if you follow this advice. Meanwhile just be happy being with you. Next to God you ARE you own best friend.


YOU can be your own worst enemy
Reply:Get married. If you marry the right person you'll always have a friend. If you don't marry the right one. That's another story.
Reply:Do you like to have friends?Then visit the below sites.Any social networking sites should allow the user for placing comments and discussions without any restrictions.You may see more information in and http://malaysia-myspace
Reply:go to partys
Reply:Call one of your friends that you havent talked to in w hile. If you want to make new friends just get out and join a team or club and youll meet people with the same intrests as you and probably find some new friends.
Reply:know what youi need and what you want, then look for who has it, them you will be freinds with them.
Reply:At every point of time ,friends change.Who were your friends years before may not be your present friend circle.Friends change according to change of place or time or situations.If seen other way round,you will find friends every where.1st meeting,then knowing one another,and then if thoughts or feelings match friendship grow and last longer than usual.Even if you mean to say that you may not find the same friends again,then my answer is world is round and who knows when one meets the other and in which situation.Then you will recollect this.Just mix with people around and some one will definitely come up as your friend,and he or she may be one among many.
Reply:What happened to your friends, did you move did they move, we need more info....just go out and start up a conversation, it's really not that hard!
Reply:Why 2 months?? Did you move?

Get new ones, go to your local community functions or church. Happy Birthday!! How old are you??
Reply:its sooo easy to make friends, even when u think u cant. try online, say hello, and a casual conversation. trust me there is someone in this world who is lookin for a friend just like you!
Reply:y0 happy birthday i would suggest that you go out party some or go out to a public place and social like maybe a sport bar or maybe a pool hall be susprise how many people would approach you!!!:D don't be scared if you work ask some people from work to come over and chill or maybe go have a drink after work or if your to young to drink not to young to play putt putt or pool!!!
Reply:Happy Birthday! Just be yourself and talk to people. You'll make freinds just like you had previously.
Reply:well first off did you move somewhere and you lost contact or are you still in the same area...cause if you are in the same area you could just look them up in the yellow pages. lol hey if all else fails i'd be glad to be a friend ^_^ oh and happy belated B-Day!!!!! there feel better.
Reply:Aw well to get good friends you should join clubs and teams. Go to social events where there are lots of people. Find a few people you think would be good friends and go for it! Remember the only way to get good friends is to be a good friend. Be happy and smile a lot, people are attracted to that. Be inviting and confedent.
Reply:Talk to people did you lose all of your friends? did you misplace them? did you move? did they all move? details people....details.

oh ...happy birthday
Reply:I don't know you but I wish you a very happy birthday! Keep your head up and don't give up! You will meet someone beautiful that will be charmed by your smile! So start practicing right away and you will see! In no time at all, you will have many friends.

Good luck.
Reply:I'm feeling very sorry for you Fish.Hope you're success full in fishing new friends.
Reply:happy birthday!!!

Why can't we be friends (4x)

I seen ya, I seen ya, I seen ya 'round for a long long time

I really, I really, I really remember when you drank my wine

Why can't we be friends (4x)

I seen ya, I seen ya, I seen ya walkin' down in Chinatown

I called ya, I called ya, I called but you did not look around

I pay my, I pay my, I pay my money to the welfare line

I seen ya, I seen ya, I seen ya standing in it everytime

Why can't we be friends (4x)

The color, the color, the color of your skin don't matter to me

As long as, as long as, long as we can live in harmony

I kinda, I kinda, I kinda, like to be the president

And I could, and I could, and I could show you how your money's spent

Why can't we be friends (4x)

Sometimes I don't speak right

But did I know what I was talking about

I know you're working for the CIA

They wouldn't have you in the mafia

Why can't we be friends (4x)
Reply:reconsider your attitude and behavior with your friends
Reply:Happy birthday to you!!!

Be confident and optimistic and make a wish for yourself and your future!

it's free, it's funny and who knows? Good luck!
Reply:haPPy biRthday,, haPPy biRthday to ya,,

wiSh you heaLthy and haPPy foRever

FrieNds??? so maNy out theRe, but you didN't reaLize yet,,

youR neigHbooR = FrieNd

youR peT = fRienD


cHat, paRty, joiNing oRganizatioN = wayS to get FrieNds

You know, you haVe to be...






so that... everyBody becoMes youR fRiend

Good Luck,,,

neVer give uP!!!


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