Thursday, November 19, 2009

Where i can find some friends?

i need some friends around everywhere i cant find none at my place and i need some friends no one talk to me

Where i can find some friends?
what a shame what u wanna talk aboute
Reply:try chat rooms but be safe
Reply:well if you cant find friends where you are go for some walks and bring a pad and a pen when you walk by someone start a conversation and if they actually seem interested in you ask for their address and name and number
Reply:you can warte letters and make friends that way

i have a lot of pen pals that i warte to
Reply:hey i will be ur friend email me
Reply:go to chat rooms
Reply:go to school or anything in ur community like youth groups and stuff

u want a flesh and bones friend, not someone from the internet who u dun even know

Reply:yahoo is a cool place happens is cool too
Reply:Hi.... I can be your friend if you wish.....

So, tell me if you want to talk

See you soon i hope

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